Samstag, 20. Juni 2015

Akai S1000/ S1100 Compact Flash Reader

Great Tutorial from Mike Baas how to use a SCSI to IDE Adapter with a CF reader

The internals of the unit is an Addonics AD44MIDECF. adds a slot for the card and a metal housing.

The only CF drive that have been able to get to work is a Pretec 16 GB 233x Series Compact Flash drive. I was able to find someone selling one on eBay. Other than eBay, they seem to be sold out everywhere.
Per Muser on GearSlutz, the reason why this CF card works is the following:
233x is 233 times 150KB per second. the 150 was the designation for CD ROM Audio at 44.1 16bit .. per second KB.
The Akai will likely want to see this kind of speed, as its hard disk formatting specification mirrors that of a sample CD.
I also had to cobble together a custom Female Large 4-pin Molex to Female Small 4-pin Molex, soldering together parts from two other Molex cables I had.